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Hinterland View Dental

Root Canal Therapy Sunshine Coast

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Root Canal Therapy

Root CanalA broken, traumatised, cracked or decayed tooth with prolonged exposure to bacteria will often have sufficient damage to its’ nerve system that it requires a Root Canal Therapy.

Root Canal Therapy is performed on a tooth that otherwise will need to be extracted.

The purpose of this procedure is to stop the bacteria from causing further discomfort and damage while keeping the tooth intact and, more importantly, useful.

After in-depth examination and analysis of your mouth and the situation, should a Root Canal Therapy be required, the root system is accessed, disinfected and shaped before it is sealed tight using a specialised sealer. After this point the tooth can be restored either with an appropriate direct filling or a crown.

Unlike it is often portrayed, the whole dental procedure is relatively painless for most patients.

Book an appointment with our professional team at Hinterland View Dental today who will assess your teeth and present you with the best options to help achieve your desired smile.

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