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Hinterland View Dental

Gum Health Assessment

Ensure your teeth, as well as their supporting foundation, are looked after in a controlled manner

Benefits of a gum health assesment

explore the many option with one of our experienced dentists, balance benefits with costs and determine the best option for you.

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Do you have red, swollen and tender gums that bleed after brushing or flossing?

Don’t delay! Gums are the foundation for all of your teeth.

Deal with the issues before gum disease can develop and lead to complications.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a silent disease, and if undetected or untreated, it can lead to situations such as foul breath, gaps appearing between the teeth, loose teeth and ultimately loss of affected teeth no matter how healthy the teeth themselves are at the time.

Gum Health Check up in WoombyeThe gums and the supporting bone structure are the foundation for the teeth and if compromised, they shrink around the teeth offering less and less support as well as allowing food particles and plaque to be trapped more easily around and between the teeth, making daily oral hygiene much more challenging. This situation can exasperate the gum condition and cause cavities to form.

If there is a suspicion of underlying gum disease, your dentist at Hinterland View Dental will discuss with you the need to perform a detailed gum assessment to ascertain not only the teeth involved but also the severity of the condition, and will discuss with you treatment options depending on the evidence gathered.

This process will ensure your teeth, as well as their supporting foundation, are looked after in a controlled manner.

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