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Hinterland View Dental

Free Children Dentist Children's Medicare Scheme

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Sunshine Coast Childrens Medicare Dental Rebate

Children Dentist on the Sunshine Coast

Children can start their dental visits as soon as 18 months of age.

Bring your child in early to create Positive Experiences in the Dental Environment Start building healthy habits by booking brief regular check-ups.

At Hinterland View Dental, we participate in the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme.

This program was introduced by the government to allow eligible children access to dentistry in a private practice. This is means tested and you must be receiving family tax benefit A.

This Scheme is for children aged between 2-17 years and allows access of up to $1052 for dental treatment. It covers a range of dental procedures including examinations, cleans, x-rays and even root canal.

You can find out if your child is eligible by calling the number on the back of your Medicare card and following the prompts for Child Dental Benefits Scheme or you are welcome to call us and we can find out for you.

For more information go to

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