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Hinterland View Dental

Teeth Whitening on the Sunshine Coast

Effective Teeth Whitening

Book your complimentary teeth whitening assessment​

explore the many option with one of our experienced dentists, balance benefits with costs and determine the best option for you.

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Teeth Whitening

Whether you’re looking to restore the original shade of discoloured teeth or to lighten the existing natural tooth color – our team at the Hinterland View Dental can assist, inform and advise you on the best course of action.

Professional whitening is a faster and more effective way to remove stains and discoloration. Instead of covering up the stains, teeth whitening aims to lift the deep stains and discolorations to bring out your pure and natural whiteness.

An In-Practice session or a Take-Home kit are both safe, proven and affordable options for brightening your smile. Over the long term, dentist-provided whitening is a more economical investment than the over-the-counter bleaching products.

Safe and ADA approved, our products must go through rigorous safety requirements. Using a customized tray for take home kits, means it is more effective, protective, and comfortable.

If you are interested in whitening your teeth, it is best to book in for an assessment visit so we can determine what is the most suitable option for you and give the necessary information to make a decision. Call us now for your complimentary teeth whitening assessment visit.

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