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Hinterland View Dental

Clear Aligners on the Sunshine Coast

A Beaming Smile is Invaluable - and Possible With our Clear Aligners

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Types of Clear Aligners

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Should I Embrace Clear Aligners?

Invisible braces from Woombye Dentist
Invisible braces

Now you can boost your physical confidence without the need for a mouthful of unsightly metal wires and brackets.

Invisible braces are a series of removable transparent aligners accurately designed using 3D technology to gradually reposition crooked teeth and ultimately give you a well balanced and desirable smile.

There are other methods of improving the adult smile without long arduous months of metal braces. Call us at Hinterland View Dental today for your free consultation on these different options.

Invisible Braces fix crooked teeth
Invisible Braces for adults

Although invisible braces are designed for adults, there may be cases that would not be suitable. To find out if you are a good candidate call the friendly team at Hinterland View Dental for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION.

Fix Crooked Teeth

Traditionally crooked teeth were aligned during the teenage years with the use of attached metal brackets to the teeth and a metal wire going through them right across.

In modern days adults that have missed out on correcting their mis-aligned teeth or have experienced a relapse of the past orthodontic treatment, now have the opportunity to obtain braces but most are put off by the unsightliness and hassle of a mouthful of metals.
This leaves many at a crossroad. Although they have a deep desire to have a well-balanced, confident smile, they can’t find a place for traditional braces in their life and wish there was another way.

Clear Aligners For The Perfect Smile

Invisible Retainers are a solution to misaligned teeth
Invisible retainers straighten and align teeth.

There is no magic wand when it comes to repositioning mis-placed and crooked teeth, but the next best thing is the advent of clear aligners loosely termed as invisible braces.

These in appearance have nothing in common with the traditional metal braces but the term braces is used to indicate that in function they are used to achieve the same end result which is moving teeth to a more ideal position and improve the smile.

Clear aligners consist of a series of removable transparent trays made using 3D printing technology which fit accurately and discreetly around the existing teeth and apply well-calculated pressure to different spots triggering gradual controlled movement of teeth into a predetermined final alignment. This final alignment is the best practically achievable position for each individual.

Limitations for Clear Aligners

Invisible braces are used to correct many mis-aligned cases providing unbelievable results but there are certain mis-alignments that are more complex in nature and need to be addressed by other means (there are other options available for improving smiles for adult patients which we can discuss with you) and sometimes by traditional orthodontics.

There are also a number of other clinical factors that may limit the possibility of treatment with invisible braces or have an impact on the final result.

At Hinterland View Dental we recommend an initial complimentary consultation session to determine the suitability of the candidate prior to any commitment to such treatment.

Cheaper then Invisalign with same quality

Being up to 60% cheaper than alternative options, clear aligners have revolutionised the world in the arena of natural tooth movement and improving smiles, and have been a life changing factor for many individuals.

They are a safe and ultimately a subtle and discreet way to obtain the smile you have always been hoping for and can give you a life-changing boost in self-esteem and confidence in all social situations.

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