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Hinterland View Dental

Our Dental Services Sunshine Coast

Are implants right for you?

Restorative dentistry can include dentures, bridges, direct bondings, crowns, veneers and implants, and we like to explain the options, benefit and costs to suit your situation so you can make an informed choice to build your health back.


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What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are natural looking but artificial teeth held in place by a titanium root, that bonds to the existing bone.

It is said that in the past, some ancient civilisations replaced missing teeth with animal bone, shell or ivory. Researchers now know that some types of metal can fuse with bone. The discovery of this process of osseointegration made a great leap forward into implant development and success. 

The implant is surgically inserted through the gum and into the jawbone. Over time, it attaches and integrates to the bone, becoming permanently fused, stable and long-lasting.

The replacement tooth or crown of the implant is made to match in shape, size and colour to the appearance of your other teeth. The gums also support and adapt around the implant, just like a healthy tooth, making it hard for anyone to recognise the difference.


Who needs an implant? When is it a good option?

Come and see us for a free consultation if you have a tooth you are worried about losing, or a gap in your smile. 

Implants can also be used to stabilise dentures or bridges. By acting as a mounting point, implants can create a natural, secure fit, avoiding shifting and sliding.


Why is it a good choice?

Comfort – Implants are one of the most comfortable options for replacing a missing tooth. They act as a part of you, like a natural tooth in appearance and functionality. You can eat all kinds of foods like normal, replace the ugly gap, and avoid the sore spots and discomfort of a poorly fitted denture.

Long Lasting – Implants are robust, and if looked after by good oral hygiene and regular dental check ups and cleans, they can last from 10 years to a lifetime. 

Health – Also, implants prevent bone loss. Naturally, a tooth’s root applies pressure and stimulates the jawbone and promotes healthy stable bones, and an implant simulates this same function. 

Without replacing a missing tooth, the face structure can change, looking more sunken, and the neighbouring teeth can move, creating an irregular bite. The gap can become a trap for food and bacteria, leading to gum disease. And of course, as your appearance falters so can your confidence.

Restore your smile. Restore your health. Restore your confidence.

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