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Hinterland View Dental

Check-ups and Cleans Sunshine&nbspCoast

Maintain healthy teeth, gums and overall oral health

Your instant smile


Our aim is to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums – that’s why we offer 30% off your routine check-ups and cleans. Every 6 months!

Detailed Thorough Clean

Complete Dental Assessment

All Private Health Funds Accepted

For every friend referred by you who starts their invisible braces before the completion of your treatment, we’ll give you $300 off your invisible braces.

Be on top of your oral health

Our aim is to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums – that’s why we offer 30% off your routine check-ups and cleans. Every 6 months!

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Cleaning & Check-ups

At Hinterland View Dental we place a lot of importance on a well maintained and healthy teeth and gum condition.

Hence, to show our commitment and reduce the barriers for check-ups and cleans we are offering a 30% discount.

Adults and adolescents

In general, it is recommended to develop a habit of 6 monthly routine check and clean to ensure the health of the oral cavity. If you have not seen a dentist for longer than 6 months, you may have developed tartar build up or a cavity which, if gone undetected for a period of time, can become a more complex, undesirable and more expensive issue.


Child Dental Benefit SchemeChildren can start their dental visits as soon as 18 months of age. A regular 12 monthly brief check helps them to get accustomed to the dental environment and builds a healthy habit.

We see children of all ages for check-ups but remind the parents that on an occasion where restorative work is required for children that are very young, we recommend this work to be done by a pediatric dentist. If there is a need for this we will guide you where to go.

Feel confidence in your natural smile.

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Same day emergency service

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