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Hinterland View Dental

Accidents & Trauma

We will do our best to save your teeth

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Accidents & Trauma

Tooth Trauma caused by high-contact sports, or simple accidents, if left untreated, can result in adult tooth loss, teeth misalignment, tissue injuries, and infection.

In such circumstances, it is advisable to seek an assessment from a dentist as soon as possible. In some instances attending to the issue promptly is vital and can save the tooth/teeth and reduce the need for complex future treatments.

If an adult tooth is knocked out in its entirety (avulsed is the technical term) then do the following:

  • Stay calm
  • Pick up the tooth only touching white part covered by enamel. Do not touch the root.
  • If the tooth is dirty, then a brief rinse under running tap water is sufficient prior to placing the tooth back in the socket and ask the patient to hold it in place.
  • If not possible to place the tooth back in the socket, then store in a container containing milk or a patient’s own saliva. The ideal solution to use is ‘Hanks balanced storage media’ or saline if available.
  • See a dentist or emergency department consultant ASAP

*Please remember there is no need to replant baby teeth if they are knocked out.

We at Hinterland View Dental offer a flexible schedule and urgent availability for emergency work to ensure the best possible outcome for patients.

Contact our dentists at Hinterland View Dental today.

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